
Saturday, August 11, 2012

DIY Beer Bottle Salt & Pepper Shakers

I always get excited when birthdays come up because it means I get to craft! Wahoo! I got inspired to make these when I saw some at a local taco shop, and I knew they would be perfect for my oldest brother.

2 beer bottles
2 water bottle caps (Aquafina worked the best for me)
black spray paint (optional)

First get two beer bottles

*Note: S. Pres, Oh does not endorse the drinking of alcohol (for minors) (I'm not a minor) I procured these from my housemate (I dont like beer anyways) #toomanydisclaimers

And two water bottle caps

Spray paint one of the caps black (for pepper)

Allow the paint to dry

Next, use a sharp object to poke holes in your water bottle caps.

Make sure you poke more holes in the cap for the salt than the pepper. (I did 5 for salt and 3 for pepper)

Snap the caps on the beer bottles!

Unfortunately I dont have a photo with salt & pepper in the bottles since I didn't want them to spill in the gift bag I wrapped them in! But Happy Birthday JP!

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